My collection of old Computers and game consoles.
Handhelds, portable Game Consoles, portable Computers and mobile phones...
Last update: 17th January 2010. (Watch out for items that are signed with a yellow "new")
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Model: Missilevader Manufacturer: Bandai Electronics Year: 1979/1980 (???)
Special Information: My first handheld game. Imported from Japan. It was a present from my father, he bought it on a business trip in Japan... The price was 3980 Yen. (The price label is still on the package). Interesting: If you reach 95 points in the game (2 digits display) then it continues counting in the hexadecimal format. Very simple, but also funny game.
Models: Pac Man, Scramble, Terra Hit, Grand Prix Manufacturer: Tomy (Grand Prix =?) Year: 1979/1980 (???)
Special Information: Various, rare games, they were sold some years before the first Game&Watches came out. By the game Terra Hit the enemies (and by Grand prix the cars) were moved on small "film strips" by a small electromotor. Pac Man also was sold under the name "Puck Man". --> The arcade game Pac Man was first named "Puc Man", but often the gamers changed the name from "Puc Man" into "Fuc Man" by changing the letter "P". Because this, the manufacturers changed the name to Pac Man :-)
Model: Caveman (new) Manufacturer: Tomy Year: about 1979/1980
Another great Tomy game.
Tomy Caveman
Model: Microvision Manufacturer: MB (Milton Bradley) Year: 1979
Special Information: One of the first "portable game console" with changeable modules. The game works with 2 9V batteries. The cpu is not build in in the game console, but in every game module. The display has a resolution of only 16 x 16 dots. Interesting idea, but there were only 12 games availible for this system, and not the very best ones.
Models: Various Game&Watch games. Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 1981-1988
Special Information: Do I have much to tell about these famous games? Game & Watches were a hit in the nineteeneighties, and they are still a hit today. Today the price of most Game & Watches are higher than their factory price, specially when they are sold with the original packing and the instruction manual.. On the picture you see 6 "Wide Screen" models. I'm not sure if the smaller game "Fire" with description "Time Tut" is a illegal imitation, but I know that the same model exists with the original Game&Watch label. You also see a silver Game&Watch pocket, but I'm not sure if this is a original piece or only a idea from somebody unknown. The key chain in the plastic bag is "only" a key chain, and not a real working game. And finally you see some holographic Game&Watch stickers on the picture.
Models: Various Game&Watch games. Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 1982-1988
Special Information: Game&Watch models with 2 screens...
Models: Fire with green housing (new and hot) Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 1981
Special Information: Normally, every Game&Watch game has its own color. The game fire has normally a blue housing. On the famous website, sometimes I read about a fire with a green housing. Nobody knows exactly if this game was from a faulty production. (For a redye is is too perfect.) In 2009 I was surprised to see, that somebody was selling this game in Ricardo, a Swiss online auction website. I bought it for (ouch) 150 Swiss francs (about 100 Euro). Backtracing "the way" of the game, I found the following information: The person that sold me the green fire, bought it from somebody in Hong Kong who found it on a flea market (also in Hong Kong). The display was broken (but was repaired in the meantime) and the housing has a big scratch on its backside. You will find more information about the green Fire in german language on
Green Fire
Models: Various Game&Watch games. Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 1982-1988

E: New good old games from Nintendo, V-Tech and other manufacturers. I bought them all in Ricardo (Online auction system like Ebay) in the year 2007. Oil Panic and Green house are well known good Game&Watches. The Tri-Screens Games from V-Tech were both damaged when I bought them, but I repaired the water polo game. My favorite game "Deputy Den" is unfortunately still not working, the middle and the top display have some errors. The other games are from third parties manufacturers. Nice to have and to play, but not so good as Game&Watches from Nintendo.

D: Neue gute alte Spiele von Nintendo, V-Tech und anderen Herstellern. Ich kaufte diese alle im Ricardo (Online Auktion System wie Ebay) im Jahre 2007. Oil Panic und Green House sind gut bekannte Game&Watch Klassiker. Die Tri-Screens Spiele von V-Tech waren leider beide defekt als ich sie kaufte, aber ich konnte das Water Polo Spiel reparieren. Mein Lieblingsspiel "Deputy Den" läuft leider immer noch nicht, das mittlere und oberste Display funktionieren nicht richtig und haben Wackelkontakte. Die anderen Spiele sind von Drittherstellern und gut zu spielen, und es ist schön sie zu besitzen, aber sie sind halt nicht so gut wie die Game&Watches von Nintendo.

Models: Various Game&Watch games. Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 1982-1988

E: The double Game&Watches and Tri-Screens Games now open:

D: Die Doppel-Game&Watch Spiele und die dreiteiligen Tri-Screens Games nun geöffnet:

Models: Various Tri-Screen games. (new) Manufacturer: V-Tech Year: 198?

I bought more Tri-Screen games from the Time&Fun handheld series from V-Tech. Finally, I found a working Deputy Den game. Interesting: The game Deputy Den and Deep Diver have the same gameplay, just different names, housings and display figures. The same situation with the games Water Polo and Super Soccer. I like the Tri-Screen games, because they have funny and interesting gameplays.

Tri-Screen V-Tech
Models: Various Game&Watch games. Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 1982-1988

E: No description... / coming sometimes...

D: Im April 2008 habe ich wieder mal zugeschlagen. Links das Donkey Kong 3 und das Boxing. Beides Spiele die sehr gut für 2 Spieler geeignet sind. Bei Nichtgebrauch dieser Spiele können die Kabel praktisch "in die beiden Controller" aufgewickelt werden und diese wiederum im Gehäuse verstaut werden. Rechts die beiden Wide Screen Spiele Fire und Tropical Fish. In der Mitte das Table Top Donkey Kong Junior, ein echtes Sammlerstück in ziemlich gutem Zustand. (Dieses Spiel habe ich auch in der Panorama Screen Version.) Wer das Donkey Kong Jr. mal als Simulation auf dem PC spielen möchte, der schaue auf

Models: Various Game&Watch games. Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 1983 / 1986 (Crystal Screen)
The Panorama Screen and Crystal Screen are rare pieces and high prices are paid today for these games.
Special G&W
Models: Mini Game&Watches Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 1988 - 2006

Special Information: In 1998 Nintendo brought back the Game&Watches as miniature models. (Key chain models). A lot of the good old games appeared in this format, but also some new games as Tetris, Spiderman, Carrera etc. Also some Double-Screen Mini Classics were released, like Oil Panic. Then the games disappeard from the market for a long time. In the year 2005/2006 I was surprised to find various Mini Classic models in Toys 'r' us and other stores that sell toys.

Mini Game&Watches
Models: Various Handhelds Manufacturer: V-Tech and Tronica Year: 1982 / 1983
Special Information: Other manufacturers also published interesting handhelds. The 3-screen game Diamond Hunt from V-Tech is one of my favourite games. The Monkey Kingdom game from Tronica is a "horizontally-3-screen-game". Nice idea, but not a very good gameplay in my oppinion.
OtherOthers closed
Models: Various handhelds Manufacturer: various... Year: 1980-1990
Special Information: Some other cool stuff: The golf game has included a booklet with plastic cards, that you put in the game (behind the display). So, every golf course has a differently background. Cool idea from Bandai. Other games like the MBO Las Vegas (strange name for a space game) had a built-in calculator, or a built-in AM-radio (worked only with headphones.) The Neko Don Don game is quite unknown, but a very good game where a cat must catch mouses before they reach the cheese. And finally you see the Epoch-Man, a simple Pac Man clone.
Models: Happy Meal games from Mc Donald's Manufacturer: Universal Interactive Inc. Year: 2005
Special Information: Yes, I got them all. In 2005 Mc Donald's sold these games in their Happy meals. During 8 weeks, every week a new game was in the happy meal. 4 Crash Bandicoot and 4 Sypro games. The games have very small LCD screens, but some of the games are very funny. Because I missed the first 4 games, I had to contact the Mc Donald's head office, and with a lot of luck, they sent me the missing games for free. I think these games are already rare, because a lot of the happy meal toys were thrown away in a short time...
Happy mealHappy meal
Model: Game Boy (new) and Game Boy llight Manufacturer: Nintendo Year: 198?
After the world famous Game Boy, Nintendo brought out the "Game Boy light" with a green display light, to play in the dark. But the Game Boy light was only sold in Japan. Also the device is smaller than the original Game Boy. On the picture you also see the Tetris game module. The first Game Boy (see second picture) was sold with the Tetris module included, and so the Game Boy had world wide success.
Gameboy light
Model: Gameboy case Manufacturer:Nintendo Year: ?

E: A cool and practical Gameboy case. A colleague at work gave it as a little gift for me. It is very convenient to transport a Gameboy with games and accessories.

D: Ein cooler und praktischer Gameboykoffer. Ein Arbeitskollege hatte ihn mir plötzlich überraschend geschenkt. Sehr praktisch um einen Gameboy mit Spielen und Zubehör zu transportieren.

Model: Game Gear Manufacturer: Sega Year: ?
Special Information: A sega handheld with a good color display. It needs a lot of batteries, but works also with an AC power cable.
Model: PSP Manufacturer: Sony Year: 2004 -
Special Information: So, here you see something very modern. Sony's PSP is a high-tech piece of electronic. Games and movies are sold on small UMD discs (universal media disc). With free software, you also can convert movies from your pc to the mp4 format and transfer them to the PSP. (Memory stick duo up to 4GB). Of course you can listen MP3 files, watch your holiday fotos etc..But mainly, the PSP is thought for games. The PSP has a very bright and sharp Display. On the picture you see my both PSPs with firmware 1,5. Insiders of the PSP secene know why firmware 1,5 is the best one ;-) After the black and white PSP, a pink one was released, but no thanks, this is not my favourite color... (Maybe I will make in near future a separate PSP section on my website, because the PSP is a very cool game console...) Update: Since the last years, a lot happened in the PSP scene. There were new firmwares, also custom firmwares, a lot of firmware hacks and much more. Also new PSP models came out, the PSP Slim (smaller housing) and in the year 2009 the PSP go. Explaining all new firmwares, hacks and PSP modells would blow up this museum site... :D
Model: A-320 (new) Manufacturer: Dingoo Year: 2008-2010

E: The Dingoo A-320 is a very small and powerful handheld console from China. In the original firmware are already some emulators, it plays NES, SNES, Mega Drive, GBA, Neo Geo, CPS1+2 ROMs. (Most of them in a acceptable speed). Also there are some built-in games, but only the survival-horror game "7 days" is commendable. The handheld also plays several audio and video formats. (MP3, WAV, FLV, WMV, ASF, AVI, MPEG, MP4, SWF and much more). It also has a FM radio, an ebook reader, and an image viewer. A lot for the cheap price of about 70 - 80 Euro. It's also possible to connect the Dingoo to a TV. The internal memory of 4gb is expansible with a SD card. With a special bootloader, you can run the alternative system "Dingux", some type of Linux system for this handheld. With Dingux you can run more emulators (f.e. Commodore 64 VICE and a lot more), more programs like music and video players and a lot more. The Dingoo is a very good alternative to the PSP, and it's also smaller and lighter.

D: Das Dingoo A-320 ist eine sehr kleine und leistungsfähige portable Spielkonsole von China. In der originalen Firmware sind einige Emulatoren bereits eingebaut, z.B. für NES, SNES, Mega Drive, GBA, Neo Geo und CPS1+2(Capcom) ROMs. Die meisten Emulatoren laufen mit einer genügenden Framerate. Auch sind einige Dingoo-eigene Spiele eingebaut, nennenswert ist aber nur das Survival-Horror Spiel "7 days". Das Handhels spielt auch verschiedenste Ton- und Bildformate wie z.B. MP3, WAV, FLV, WMV, ASF, AVI, MPEG, MP4, SWF und weitere. Auch ist ein Radio, ein E-Book-Reader und ein Bildbetrachter (JPG usw.) integriert. Sehr viel für den niedrigen Preis von ca. 70 - 80 Euro. Auch kann der Dingoo problemlos an einem TV angestöpselt werden. Der interne Speicher ist 4GB gross und kann mit einer SD Karte erweitert werden. Mit einem speziellen Bootloader kann auch ein alternatives Betriebssystem namens Dingux gestartet werden, eine Art Linux für den Dingoo. Mit Dingux können noch mehr Emulatoren (z.B. C64 Vice), weitere Musik- oder Videoplayer und viele Programme mehr genutzt werden. Der Dingoo is eine echte alternative zur PSP, er ist auch kleiner und viel leichter.

Dingoo A320
Model: Pocket Star Manufacturer: MGT Year: 2006/2007
The pocket star is a new small game console with 30 built-in games. (Some are better, some are bad). The housing is similar to a Game Boy Pocket, and it has a 2 inch full color TFT Display. A cheap alternative for people that won't buy a Game Boy, PSP or DS, and seldom playing games on the move.
Pocket Star
Model: Libretto Manufacturer: Toshiba Year: ?
Special Information: The Libretto is a very small "Notebook" from Toshiba. It runs Windows 95 and has some nice features.
Models: Epson HX-20 Manufacturer: Epson Year: 1982

E: One of the first computers in a notebook format. Usable with the LCD screen, or with a special adapter also on a TV screen with a higher resolution of 480x240 pixels. It also has a buildt in dot matrix printer and a cassette drive for saving and loading programs on normal micro cassettes. A lot of accessories were brought out for this computer, but unfortunately I only own the computer. The Basic language is very powerful, and also a monitor for Assembler programming ist included. Also special: This computer is only working with the internal battery. If the battery is empty, you only can charge the battery with the battery charger leads. Without the battery, the computer isn't working.

D: Einer der ersten Computer im Notebookformat. Benutzbar mit dem eingebauten kleinen LCD, oder mit einem speziellen Adapter auch am TV mit einer höheren Auflösung von 480x240 Bildpunkten. Er hat auch einen eingebauten Matrixdrucker und ein Kassettengerät um Programme auf normalen Microkassetten zu speichern und zu laden. Auch erschien sonst viel Zubehör für dieses Gerät, leider besitze ich aber nur den Computer selbst. Die eingebaute Basic Sprache bietet viele gute Befehle, sogar ein Monitor für Assemblerprogrammierung ist eingebaut. Sehr speziell: Dieser Computer läuft nur mit dem eingebauten Akku. Wenn dieser leer ist, muss man ihn aufladen. Auch mit angestecktem Ladekabel und leerem Akku läuft das Gerät nicht, das Ladekabel dient wirklich nur zum Aufladen, nicht zum Akkulosen Betrieb wie dies heute bei vielen Notebooks möglich ist.

Models: Cell phones. Manufacturer: Nokia / Siemens Year: 1985 - 2005
Special Information: Some very popular cell phones are shown here. The Nokia 101 was one of the first Nokia cell phones for the "C-Network". Later the Siemens S4 was a good phone for the "D-Network". You also see the 3330 and 5110 Nokia models. One of the best Nokia phones ever (or the best mobile phone at all) is the Nokia 6150. I still use it today, and it works since 1998 without problems. Finally you see the Nokia N-Gage, a mixture of cell phone and portable game console. Special games were sold until 2006 for this model, but you can also play Java games and start Symbian software. Nice for gaming, but for phoning, I will stay with my Nokia 6150 :-)

That's all, maybe I find more portable stuff in my cellar, or somewhere else in my flat...

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