My collection of old Computers and game consoles.
Commodore Computer
Last update: 10th January 2010 (MMC Replay, 1541Ultimate, 1541 Clone and C64 modules added, marked with a yellow sign "New").
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Model: Commodore VC20 Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1980
The Commodore VC20 is the forerunner of the Commodore 64. See on the right picture, how I am testing it :-) The VC20 was very popular, but very fast replaced by the Commodore 64 because the people wanted better sound and graphic abilities.
VC20VC20 in use
Model: Commodore PC-50 and Notebook Manufacturer: Commodore Year: ?
Left: The Commodore PC-50-II. With 66MHZ Processor and DOS. It also runs Windows 3.11. But nothing special, it's just an old PC like a lot of old PCs and unusable today. (But with the name Commodore on it.). Right: An old Commodore Notebook, also with Windows 3.11...
Model: Commodore 64 Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1981
The first Commodore 64 model. One of the world most famous home computers. Very good graphics (320x200pixels) with 16 colors with the VIC chip. The 3 channel sound chip SID makes the best 8bit sound and music ever. Everybody knows this computer until today. A lot of people still have him (or it) in their cellars, others (like me) still have him in their living-rooms. A lot of games and tools were published in the eighties, also a software called Graphic Environment Operating System (GEOS). With this you have a graphic desktop with text processing, painting program, and much more. Also today, you see this computer on computer- and demoparties, and fans still are writing games and demos for it. Everybody loved and still love this computer and everybody will remember it forever. The Commodore 64 will never die !
Left: The Commodore 64 starting screen... Remember what to do now? Right, type LOAD"$",8 and LIST for the directory :-) Right: The GEOS Desktop. Sometimes I think it would be better, if we had GEOS XP today, instead of Windows XP :-)
C64 StartscreenGeos Desktop
Model: Commodore 64 C Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1986
In 1986 the Commodore 64 became a new housing and was called "C 64 C". It also had a tidied up interiority with less ICs. Also the TV modulator hadn't no longer the frequency screw. You see, that I own 2 different models. Interesting: The graphic symbols on the keys are not at the same place. And some Commodore 64 C have a green Power LED, others have a red one. And please no comment about the condition of the Commodore on the right picture, it was my first Commodore :-)
Model: Commodore 64 G Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1987
In 1987 the Commodore 64 G was brought out. It had the old housing, but the "white" color of the Commodore 64 C. In 1988 a similar model was sold in Germany in the ALDI store but it wasn't named C64G, only C64. (The Aldi version was assembled with remaining rest parts by Commodore Germany. So some models have white keyboards like the C64G, others have the brown keyboard from the first C64). But I don't own a Aldi version, only the Commodore 64 G. To have a break with all the various Commodore 64 models, you find on the right picture 2 typically monitors, that were used in the eighties with the Commodore 64. Many people connected their C64 to a normal TV, but with the monitor, you have a better picture. The upper monitor is the Commodore 1702, the lower one a Sanyo monitor that was often sold in a set with the C64 and the 1541 Diskdrive. (Good eyes will also see the Vectrex beside the monitors. More about this classic game console in the game console section of this website.)
Model: Commodore Datasette Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1980 / 1981
You remember the Load"$",8 command? Yes, but do you remember the Load command without parameters? After Load "Press play on tape" appeared on the screen, and you had to - Press play. Before the first disk drives came out, programs were stored to (and loaded from) normal music cassette tapes. Loading and saving times were very long, (except you used a turbo loader.).
Model: Disk Drives 1541 and 1541-II Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1983 / 1986
The disk drive for the Commodore 64. It uses 5 1/4 inch diskettes with 170KB capacity. Loading times were very slow, but with fast loaders (see below) acceptable. On the right you see the 1541-II that was brought out with the Commodore 64 C. It was smaller, but it had an external power supply and dip switches to change the drive adress. (The drives have the default adress 8 (similar to drive C on your PC) but if you want to use 2 drives, you must change the adress of the second drive to 9. This can be done by changing a soldering or with the dip switches - or by software after every cold start)
15411541 II
Model: Good compatible clone of a 1541 (new) Manufacturer: ? Year: 198?
A 5 1/4" disk drive near fully compatible to a Commodore 1541 drive. There is no manufacturer name on it or a serial number, so I don't know exactly it's origin.
1541 Clone
Model: VIC Switch Manufacturer: Handic Software ab Year: unknown
Before we continue with other computer types, here you see the VIC Switch. I think it's very rare today. With the VIC Switch you can connect up to 8 Commodore computers to only 1 disk drive. (or more disk drives and a printer, if you conntect more than one to the serial port.). If more than one computer want to access the disk drive, only one computer can do it, and the other ones have to wait.
Model: Commodore SX-64 Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1984
The portable Commodore 64 with buildt in color monitor and 1541 disk drive. A masterpiece of hardware - a deluxe Commodore 64, but also over 10kgs weight. The carry handle also serves as pedestal.
Model: Plus4 (264 Series) Manufacturer: Commodore Year: coming soon
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Model: Commodore C16 Manufacturer: Commodore Year: coming soon
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Model: Commodore C116 Manufacturer: Commodore Year: coming soon
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Model: Commodore 128 and C128D Manufacturer: Commodore Year: ?
The Commodore 128 is the follow-up model of the Commodore 64. It has more RAM, better graphics, 80 characters display and a very good basic. But it wasn't sold much, because very less software was produced for it. And also new and stronger 16Bit Systems were brought out a short time after the start of the 8 Bit-C128. But by holding down the Commodore key during powering on, (or typing GO64) you come to the built-in originalCommodore 64 mode. Much people bought the C128 and never used the C128 mode, but only the C64 mode :-) On the right, you see the C128D, the desktop version with a buildt-in 1571 disk drive. (The 1571 was the drive for the C128).
Model: Commodore 128 and Drive 1571 Manufacturer: Commodore Year: ?

E: Another Commodore 128 and a disk drive 1571. Also on the picture are 2 joysticks. They are absolut similar, but one is labeled with "Spectravideo", the other one with the better known name "Quick Shot". But both have the same model number and have the name "Spectravideo" under the housing. I already own some Commodore 128 units, but I saw this one with a good price in an online auction and bought it.

D: Ein weiterer Commodore 128 mit einem 1571 Laufwerk, welches die Disketten dank 2 Lese/Schreibköpfen beidseitig lesen kann, ohne dass man die Diskette wenden muss. Auch sind 2 Joysticks zu sehen. Beide sind absolut gleich gebaut, der eine ist aber mit "Spctravideo" beschriftet, der andere unter dem besser bekannten Namen "Quickshot". Es tragen aber beide die selbe Modellnummer und die Bezeichnung "Spectravideo" auf dem Gehäuseboden. Ich habe zwar schon einige C128er, aber diesen fand ich günstig in einer Onlineauktion und kaufte ihn..

Model: Amiga 500 Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1987

After the Commodore 128 etc, Commodore brought out the Commodore Amiga in 1986. First the Amiga models 1000 and 2000, the Amiga 500 (on the picture) came later. But the Amiga was not Commodore's idea, Commodore bought the Amiga Corp. from Atari. The Amiga has very good sound and graphic abilities. The Amiga was a great success (and is still popular today), but sharp tongues argue, that the Commodore 64 follower "Commodore 65" never came out because of the Amiga. If you could travel back in time, would you prefer the Amiga or the Commodore 65 ????

Model: Commodore 64 DTV / NTSC and PAL Manufacturer: #NV Year: 2005 - 2007
A long time after the success of the Commodore 64, the Commodore DTV (Direct-to-TV) was brought out with 30 built in classic and famous games. It's design is like the popular Competition Pro Joystick. Not only 30 games were built in, but also a lot of easter eggs, AND a original Commodore 64 Basic mode. Fans rebuilded the DTV to a complete Commodore 64 with external disk drive and second Joystickport, and reflashed the memory with other games and programs. If you don't own a Commodore 64 and don't want to buy one in Ebay, the the C-64 DTV is a must !
Model: Star LC-10C and Philips TV Tuner 7300 Manufacturer: Star / Philips Year: ca. 1984
On the left you see the Star LC-10 Printer, a 9 pin dot matrix printer. This model had a price of 700 Swiss Francs after its release. Later a color vesion followed. The star NL-10 and LC10C were very popular printers. Right picture: You remember? You bought your C-64 in a set with disk drive and monitor included? Yes monitor, but only a monitor, and not a TV. With the Philips TV Tuner you could watch TV on your monitor, and switch between computer and TV picture without exchanging connecting cables. (Yes, I will remove soon the ugly sticker from the Tuner.)
Star LC-10TV-Tuner
Model: Various Joysticks Manufacturer:Various Year: 1981 - ?
The Commodore computers were (and are) often used to play games. Twenty years ago you had good and well working Joysticks, not simple 08/15 Joypads like every gaming console today has. The left picture shows the Competition Pro Joystick (the third one is a "Prof Competition", a plagiarism). This model was so popular, that in 2005 a USB version of the Competition Pro was brought out. On the right you see 2 Quickshot Joysticks from Quickjoy. The black one, the QuickshotII, was also very popular, but had a high technical wear.
Competition ProQuickshotII
Model: Various expansion modules Manufacturer: Various Year: 1980-2006
On this picture you see various expansion modules for the Commodore 64. They are mounted in the expansion port of the Commodore 64 (or C128) and have various functions. The frist is the 1764 RAM expansion module with 256KByte memory. The 3 modules on the Top (Power Cartridge, Final Cartride III and Action Cartridge) were Fastload- and Freezingmodules. With the fastloaders, games are loaded much faster from disk as with the standard loading routine of the computer. With the "freezer" you can stop the running program or game and activate cheats, grab sound or pictures, make changes at the program code or make a snapshot of the running game to reload it later. The Action Cartridge was from the Datel Company, that still today produces cheat modules for gaming consoles like Playstation etc. Below you see a reset switch (to mount on the user port) and two special modules, that are developed and manufactured in newer times (2005, 2006). The red module without housing is the Retro Replay, a plagiarism of the Action Cartridge with flashable ROMs, the green one is the MMC64, a SD Card reader, to load and start programs very fast direct from the SD Card.
Model: MMC Replay and 1541Ultimate (new)

Manufacturer: MMC:Indiv.Computers 1541U:G.Zweijtzer

Year: 2007 / 2008+2009

E: On the left site you see the MMC Replay. This module contains the MMC64 and the Retro Replay (see above) in one module. It is also possible to flash some module-images from old freezer and fastload modules to the MMC Replay and use them. So with the MMC Replay you can start programs (only single files from a D64 image) from SD card and use the module as a freezermodule (f.e. as a Action Replay or similar). You can also use the module as a sid player, text reader and much more. Read my big test report of the MMC Replay in german language on the Retrozentrale. See THIS LINK.

On the right site you see the 1541Ultimate a absolut powerful and great module. It emulates a real 1541 drive, so you can load programs from the SD card, also programs, games and demos that persist of more than one file or that use special loading routines. The module includes also the images from the Final Cartridge 3, Action Replay and more freezer modules. There are 2 versions of this module: One with and one without network adapter to connect your C64 to a network or to the Internet. This module really deserves the name "Ultimate". Read my big test report of the 1541U in german language on the Retrozentrale. See THIS LINK

Model: 1541-III (new) Manufacturer: Jan Derogee Year: 2006 or earlier

E: After SD card modules and the Ultimate that emulates a 1541 here is another highlight. The 1541-III is an idea from Jan Derogee and also some type of SD card reader module for the Commodore 64. It has a very nice housing and you control all functions over the built in display (that was taken from a mobile phone). With the actual module-firmware that I have, it's only possible to load single files. Multifile games or games with special loading routines don't work. Read my test report of the 1541-III in german language on the Retrozentrale and watch a video where you will see the 1541-III in action. Follow THIS LINK

1541-III1541-III and box
Model: Epyx Fastloader and FC3 (Blue) Manufacturer: Commodore Year: 1984-1988

E: The Epyx fastload cartridge. This was one of the first fastload modules for the Commodore 64 and was brought out from Epyx (Manufacturer of Summer Games, Winter Games, Impossible Mission etc.). After turning on the Computer, you only see the simple word "Fastload" under the start-up screen, but with the correct commands, you can access different powerful menus for disk copying, a powerful monitor etc. The fastload speed is fast, but not so fast like an Action Cartridge of Datel. Only a reset button and a freezer are missing. On the right you see a Final Cartridge 3 in a blue housing. (I don't know if this is normal, and much of Final Cartridges with blue housings are existing?!)

D: Das Epyx Fastload Modul. Dies war eines der ersten Fastload Module für den Commodore 64 und wurde von Epyx herausgebracht. (Bekannt durch Sommergames, Wintergames, Impossible Mission und viele Spiele mehr.) Nach dem Einschalten des Computers sieht man nur ganz simpel das Wort "Fastload" unter der Einschaltmeldung, mit den richtigen Kommandos erreicht man verschiedenste funktionsstarke Menüs mit Diskfunktionen (kopieren usw) oder auch einen guten Maschinensprache-Monitor. Die Schnellladegeschwindigkeit ist gut, aber nicht so schnell wie die eines Action Cartridges von Datel. Nur ein Resetknopf und ein Freezer fehlen. Rechts daneben liegt ein Final Cartridge 3 in einem blauen Gehäuse. (Ich weiss nicht ob das normal ist und viele solcher Module in blauen Gehäusen herausgebracht wurden?!)

Model: A lot of C64 modules (new) Manufacturer: misc. Year: misc.

A lot of miscellaneous modules for the Commodore 64/128. They all are for the expansion port and ready to use after powering on the Computer. (plug and play) On the picture are some freezer/fastloader modules, Basic extensions and games.

C64 Modules
Miscellaneous stuff: The Commodore 64 was so popular, that emulators for many systems exist. There are a lot of Commodore 64 emulators for the PC, but also for the PSP, for mobile phones (with Symbian OS) etc. If you don't want to download emulators or games from the internet, the C64 Classix PC CD-Rom could be nice for you. (To download a C64 emulator, watch out the VICE link in the link section of the page). Below you see simply some 5 1/4" diskettes for the Commodore 64. And finally a Play Station 1 Pad, that was altered to fit to a Commodore 64 :-)

You like my collection? Please feel free to post your oppinion in the guest book :-) If you want further information about these computers, have a look in my link collection, there are huge museum-websites with much more information.


Not in the collection and ultra-wanted: Working Commodore 65 prototype. You own a Commodore 65 and need money?

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